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    Beyerdynamic | DT 880 | Headphones | Headband/On-Ear | Black, Silver

    €210,08 с налогом
    Ausinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоны Phones, Tablet PC, smart watches Telefoni, planšetdatori, smart pulksteņi Телефоны, планшетные ПК, умные часы Multimedia Multimedija Мультимедия Computers, tablets, phones Datortehnika, planšetdatori, telefoni Kompiuteriai, planšetiniai kompiuteriai, telefonai Komputery, tablety, telefony Компьютеры, планшеты, телефоны 3 Wired 3.5 mm 681 Black, Silver 96 100 Headband/On-Ear semi-open Circumaural 6.3 mm 32 0.2 5 - 35000 Gold Yes 24 DT 880 0.561 0.781 Headphones Headband/On-Ear Yes 1.00 0.008683472 0.22 244 124 287 CL109:5:2017-04-01 220.00 No 99 Beyerdynamic 483931

    Beyerdynamic | DT 880 | Wired | Headphones | On-Ear | Black, Silver

    €210,08 с налогом
    Ausinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоны Phones, Tablet PC, smart watches Telefoni, planšetdatori, smart pulksteņi Телефоны, планшетные ПК, умные часы Multimedia Multimedija Мультимедия Computers, tablets, phones Datortehnika, planšetdatori, telefoni Kompiuteriai, planšetiniai kompiuteriai, telefonai Komputery, tablety, telefony Компьютеры, планшеты, телефоны Розовый Silver Sudraba Melna Black Черный 3 Wired 3.5 mm 681 Black, Silver 96 100 On-Ear semi-open Circumaural 6.3 mm 250 0.2 5 - 35000 Gold Y 5 - 35,000 Hz 96 dB FEATURES• Semi-open back design• Rugged headband construction• Single-sided cable• Soft headband pad• Excellent sound location• Gold-plated 1/8" mini stereo jack plug (3.5 mm) and 1/4" adapter (6.35 mm) Headphones 5 - 35,000 Hz 5 - 35,000 Hz If anything of the legendary DT 880 could have been improved, it has been realised with this version. This top headphone combines the strengths of open and closed headphones. The complete sound spectrum is reproduced in detail from the deepest sub bass to the highest highs. This semi-open, dynamic headphone is also manufactured in Germany. 96 dB Gold-plated 1/8" mini stereojack plug (3.5 mm)and 1/4" adapter (6.35 mm) 24 DT 880 0.224 0.784 On-Ear Yes 1.00 0.008064 0.56 240 120 280 CL109:5:2017-04-01 560.00 No No No Wired No No 3.5 mm 214 Beyerdynamic 481793

    Beyerdynamic | DT 880 | Wired | Semi-open Stereo Headphones | On-Ear | Black, Silver

    €210,08 с налогом
    Ausinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоны Phones, Tablet PC, smart watches Telefoni, planšetdatori, smart pulksteņi Телефоны, планшетные ПК, умные часы Multimedia Multimedija Мультимедия Computers, tablets, phones Datortehnika, planšetdatori, telefoni Kompiuteriai, planšetiniai kompiuteriai, telefonai Komputery, tablety, telefony Компьютеры, планшеты, телефоны Розовый Silver Sudraba Melna Black Черный 3 Wired 3.5 mm 681 Black, Silver 96 100 On-Ear semi-open Circumaural 6.3 mm 600 0.2 5 - 35000 Gold Y 300 cm 5 - 35.000 Hz 100 mW Semi-open Stereo Headphones 5 - 35.000 Hz 5 - 35.000 Hz Stereo jack plug 3.5 mm (1/8") & ¼“ adapter (6.35 mm) 24 DT 880 0.545 0.765 On-Ear Yes 1.00 0.0084132 0.22 240 123 285 CL109:5:2017-04-01 220.00 No No 3.5 mm No Wired No No 205 Beyerdynamic 491322

    Beyerdynamic | DT 990 | Black, Silver

    €210,08 с налогом
    Ausinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоны Phones, Tablet PC, smart watches Telefoni, planšetdatori, smart pulksteņi Телефоны, планшетные ПК, умные часы Multimedia Multimedija Мультимедия Computers, tablets, phones Datortehnika, planšetdatori, telefoni Kompiuteriai, planšetiniai kompiuteriai, telefonai Komputery, tablety, telefony Компьютеры, планшеты, телефоны Розовый Silver Sudraba Melna Black Черный 3 Wired 3.5 mm 667 Black, Silver 96 100 Headband/On-Ear open Circumaural 6.3 mm 600 0.2 5 - 35000 Gold Yes 24 DT 990 0.323 0.723 Yes 1.00 0.00839232 0.40 282 124 240 50.00 CL109:5:2017-04-01 350.00 No 103 Beyerdynamic 483966

    Beyerdynamic | DT 990 Edition | Headphones | Headband/On-Ear | Black, Silver

    €210,08 с налогом
    Ausinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоныAusinės ir mikrofonai Austiņas un mikrofoni Headsets and Microphones Słuchawki i mikrofony Наушники и микрофоны Phones, Tablet PC, smart watches Telefoni, planšetdatori, smart pulksteņi Телефоны, планшетные ПК, умные часы Multimedia Multimedija Мультимедия Computers, tablets, phones Datortehnika, planšetdatori, telefoni Kompiuteriai, planšetiniai kompiuteriai, telefonai Komputery, tablety, telefony Компьютеры, планшеты, телефоны Розовый Silver Sudraba Melna Black Черный 3 Wired 290 Black, Silver 96 Circumaural 250 0.2 5 - 35000 5 - 35.000 Hz 96 dB FEATURES• Open back design• Strong bass and treble• Robust spring steel headband• Single-sided cable• Soft headband pad• Gold-plated 1/8" mini stereo jack plug (3.5 mm) and 1/4" adapter (6.35 mm) Headphones 5 - 35.000 Hz 5 - 35.000 Hz The DT 990 is an open dynamic headphone of exceptional qualityand suitable for all music styles; whether you are into pop, classicalor jazz, the DT 990’s will deliver the true sound as it was originallyintended to. The reduced weight of the diaphragm and movingcoil result in a similar pulse characteristic as electrostatic headphones,and in combination with a carefully tailored frequency responseprovide a natural and balanced sound. Soft ear and headbandpads together with a single-sided cable ensure listening comfortduring extended periods of use.The DT 990 is still manufactured in Germany providing an excellent quality. 96 dB Straight connecting cable with mini-jack plug (3.5 mm) & ¼“ adapter (6.35 mm) 24 DT 990 Edition 0.271 0.771 Headband/On-Ear Yes 1.00 0.0084132 0.5 240 123 285 CL109:5:2017-04-01 500.00 No 103 Beyerdynamic 481807

    Beyerdynamic | Dynamic Broadcast Microphone | M 70 PRO X | Black | Wired | 320 kg

    €108,49 с налогом
    microphones Mikrofonai Mikrofoni Mikrofony микрофоны Audio Systems Audiosistēmas Garso sistemos Systemy dźwięku Аудиосистемы Televizori TV, audio, spēļu konsoles TV, vaizdo, garso ir žaidimų konsolės TV, video, audio, game consoles TV, wideo, audio, konsole do gier TV, видео, аудио, игровые приставки Melna Black Черный 285 120 1.18 240 0.49 6 640 50.00 0.69 0.008208 No Yes CL109:5:2017-04-01 42.00 M 70 PRO X Dynamic Broadcast Microphone 320 Black Extended and balanced frequency response; Cardioid polar pattern; Integrated elastic system suspension; Rugged design No XLR 25 - 18000 -55 Wired 185 545 380 275 7.08 0.968 180 Beyerdynamic 24 718351


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