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Manufacturer: TP-LINK

TP-Link TL-SG108E network switch Managed L2 Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) Black

€33.49 incl tax

SKU: ST00726321
Manufacturer part number: TL-SG108E
Manufacturer Homepage
Warranty: 24 months
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Products specifications
Properties RJ-45
RJ-45 port 8
WRL stadarti 802.11b
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Baterie i akumulatory Baterijas - akumulātori un lādētāji Baterijos ir akumuliatoriai Batteries Батареи Accessories Akcesoria Aksesuāri Priedai Аксессуары Computers and accessories Datori un piederumi Компьютеры и аксесуары Computers, tablets, phones Datortehnika, planšetdatori, telefoni Kompiuteriai, planšetiniai kompiuteriai, telefonai Komputery, tablety, telefony Компьютеры, планшеты, телефоны 1 Plus Alkaline 6LR61 9 9V/6LR61 1 Blister 24 6LF22-BP1 0.046 0.053 1 0.045 CL127:KT:2016-12-09 CL126:NE:2016-12-09 Battery 0.0001955 0.007 85 20 115 2 No No 5 8839 Camelion 11000122