Extension cables Pagarinātāji Prailgintuvai Przedłużacze Удлинители Elektroinstalācijas materiāli Elektros instaliacijos medžiagos Materiały do instalacji elektrycznych Wiring materials Электромонтажные материалы Dārzam un remontam Do ogrodu i do naprawy For garden and repair Sodui ir remontui Для сада и ремонта 190.00 310.00 0.64 50.00 0.59 1.00 45.00 5.00 0.05 0.00 No Yes CL109:5:2017-04-01 1.8 Integrated temperature sensor; Integrated humidity sensor CW-CHE36B 10 Yes Power Socket :3 EU plugs/6USB Blac Compact extension cable, with three mains outlets 220V and 6 USB ports 5V. With it, you can connect not only electrical appliances, but also simultaneously charge up to 6 mobile devices: smartphones, tablets, external batteries and many other devices that support charging from a USB port. Three network euro-sockets with earthing and overvoltage protection 24 Black 280 195 215 10.00 2.64 587 0.117 ColorWay CW-CHE36B
Foto papīrs Fotopopierius Papier fotograficzny Photographic paper фотобумага Kancelejas preces Kanceliarinės prekės Materiały piśmiennicze Stationery Канцелярские товары Paper and paper products Papier i wyroby papierowe Papīrs un papīra preces Popierius ir popieriaus gaminiai Разные бумаги 10x15 Matte Photo Paper 2880 dpi 50 sheets 24 10x15 190 0.087 0.167 1 0.0002916 0.08 108 15 180 23.00 No No 460 330 215 16.7 0.326 2963 ColorWay PM1900504R